Harriet Sutcliffe

A Collage Class: Revealing / Creating New or Alternative Narratives

Focusing attention on the women, both students and staff, associated with the Basic Course at⁣
Newcastle University during the 1950s and 1960s. The Collage Class led us through a selection of original exercises from the Basic Course, creating space to reflect on accessability, hierarchies and power dynamics in art school curriculums while reflecting critically on our own educational experiences and development. ⁣

Together we cut and reassembled images from the course hearing about its patriarchal structure and the woman who taught and studied within this set of power relations. Later it got the group talking about ‘the canon’ who occupies it and whether it should exist at all.⁣

Thank you to Associate Occupier Jade Monsterrat for your kind introduction.⁣

Massive thank you to our friends Sophia Hao and Peter Amoore for their generous and transparent insights into working with, amplyflying and agitating diverse narratives of radical pedagogies. 🖤⁣