Naomi Garriock


Naomi Garriock welcomed us to Basic Mountain for the very final time </3. It was emotional ❤️‍🩹⁣

With continual intermittent hospitality and an anti group-discussion tactics, Naomi spent the morning introducing the Co-contributors to her art pedagogy book collection individually📒📕📗📘⁣

The afternoon included autotelic activities; mechanisms for support; describing and transcribing ‘bottlenecks’ in our practice; Using group consensus to set each other homework instructions with purposeful confusion. We were all implicated in this, it was a chain reaction 🟥🔵🔶♠️💚⁣

We got uncomfortable in the gaps, trying Kiwi’s 🥝with the skin on, learning how to draw with colour and shape through youtube tutorials, singing from Bugsy Malone – all with the promise of a complimentary souvenir gift. (fingers crossed). Not the end. ⛰⁣

We could of been anything that we wanted to be, and it’s not too late to change. Thank you Naomi for making it magical 🖤🍊